Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Yay Fall!

Happy New Year!

Because seriously, although I'm a fan of January 1st, the first week of September feels like the new year to me. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that line of thinking; we're programmed like that from age 5 (or earlier!) to have our new start in September...and I love it. Everything feels new and crisp and fresh and it's exhiliarating. Am I right?
So in honor of the new year, and also because I wrote almost nothing over the summer, it's time to really get crazy and revamp this whole page! I mean, it's looked the same for three years - it's high time for a bit of a face lift.

I am excited for this year. Like, really really excited. Like, I might have peed a little bit just now thinking about the year ahead. Now, I realize that last year at this time I said the same thing, and it ended up being a pretty rocky phase of life. Do I regret it though? Not one bit.

Well, maybe a little.

Actually, why I insist on learning all my lessons the hard way is beyond me.
Still, the learning!! The lessons I learned last year are ones I will keep with me forever, and I am better because of them. Adversity has only one thing going for it: it's an opportunity to learn, grow stronger...

And then take some really big strides forward.

Here's what I'm excited about for this year, in no particular order. Ready?

I have found a new sport to love: powerlifting. My current project is to get ready for PowerSurge, Alberta's longest running powerlifting meet. It's November 14th, 10 weeks away.
I started this project out of necessity (I was dealing with some drug side effects and couldn't train the way I always used to), out of desperation for a project where I could effectively banish negative thoughts about my weight, but also because lifting really heavy things makes me happy. It has turned out to be a really good fit and I am pretty freaking psyched. I'll keep you posted on that project here.

I have a new blog! Check it out:

Lots of you have asked about my recipes, and up until now I have always shrugged my shoulders in despair because here's the truth: I never, ever cook from a recipe so I haven't ever really had any to pass on! But I have started writing some of them down, as well as some of my thoughts on nutrition and the elusive balance between weight management and liking life. I hope you enjoy it and find some useful ideas there. (Please share it if you do.)

Stick around 'cause other cool stuff is happening over here!

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