Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 8 - Cheat Day

Oog, I am pretty full...

So I got up this morning, giddy with excitement like a kid on Christmas morning, turned on the coffee pot (yeah! Oh coffee, how I missed you), and opened up the fridge for cheesecake.  No, I thought, not yet. After the coffee's done. Had my multivitamin, big thing of water with greens, poured some coffee (yum), then ate a nectarine. Then thought about cheesecake. Not ready yet...

Wait a second, what? Not ready yet? I've waited all week long for cheat day, and now it's here and I'm not ready yet? What's wrong with me?

So I ate some carrots. I've had these beautiful fresh garden carrots all week long, and haven't eaten any because they're too carby for my plan. They were crunchy and fresh and delicious, and it was wonderful to just eat them without figuring out how many grams of carbs were in each one.  Once the rest of my family woke up, I made eggs and bacon and a big plate of stir-fried veggies for breakfast. Eventually, of course, I had some cheesecake (and can I just say, I am the cheesecake freakin' master?), and frozen yogurt at Pinkberry, and pizza for it's not as though I didn't get some pretty hard core cheating in, but I have to say that I am shocked at my reduced capacity for junk food!

And now, I feel...well, not awesome. Kinda too full, but just junked out! I'm curious to see what kind of Cheat Day weight gain shows up on the scale tomorrow. And tomorrow, we're back to fasting day - I'm even looking forward to it because I was starting to like that running-on-empty feeling; felt like I was really getting somewhere!

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