I love barbell complexes; they're demanding on every part of the body, they're efficient, and done right, they are downright brutal. So, with only 35 minutes to get a good workout in, the following seemed like a good idea:
1min jump rope
Barbell Complex:
1 leg deadlifts x 5
Bent rows off 1 leg x 5
Repeat on other leg
Clean/front squat/overhead press x 5
Repeat ALL of the above 5 times, and if your lower body isn't screaming at you by then, I guarantee you did it wrong! This workout is for one of my favorite athletes, coaches, and mentors: Martin Rooney. One day I'll get to his Training for Warriors workshop, mark my words. In the meantime, I'll continue to read all his work that I can get my hands on, and cheer wildly when I catch a glimpse of him in the corners of the ring at UFC.
Day 14 - Sparring Class
13 workouts in 14 days (still running a deficit here but hopefully now that the week of multiple injuries appears to be over I will pull ahead.)
Days until Tournament: 7
Days until MRI: 4!!!
Wanna hear something really stupid? I've been waiting for this MRI for oh, almost 4 months. Pain in my left arm has been pretty consistent, it's had the same degree of immobility, and it has woken me up at night a few times a week like clockwork, for four months. I've seen 5 doctors and had 2 sets of x-rays. Now finally it's time to get it checked out for real, and in the last two or so days, it's suddenly started to feel way better. Seriously, what gives? Is this my body trying to make me look stupid? 'Cause I certainly will feel sheepish if I get the MRI and they call me up and say, "yeah, there was some ligament damage but you're healing up just fine - if it's still bothering you in a year give us a call and we'll wait another six months before we book an appointment." I almost feel like cancelling it but will go out of spite...and from the niggling worry that it has healed wrong, and they'll have to cut it open and make it way worse before it gets better. So, 4 days of trying not to think about going into that little tube again. Yikes.
Who misses cheesecake posts? The cheesecake biz has slowed considerably since Christmas, but I was privy to some loud protests recently pertaining to the lack of cheesecake production, so I declare that it's time to get experimenting and come up with some new recipes! Any suggestions? Making a good cheesecake is a two-day process so there isn't time for this weekend but I hereby promise some cheesy porn by next weekend. And as always, proceeds from cheesecakes are split between KidSport Canada and the Spartan Race endeavour....
I feel I must end this post on a more serious note, with a public service announcement. This is for all of you out there who live with multiple family members, work with the public, or are in a relationship where maintaining some sense of mystery is a priority.
Our entire house smelled like the litterbox for two days afterward. True story.
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